Rinofiller is an aesthetic medicine procedure that aims to correct aesthetic imperfections of the nose with the use of an injectable filler, usually hyaluronic acid. With the injection of a filler you can correct some defects such as the hump (aquiline nose) or the tip by making a “camouflage” of the defect itself and softening the profile.


Can rinofiller correct imperfections of the nose?

The rinofiller is a purely aesthetic procedure, and cannot correct any deviations of the nasal septum or polyps etc.


How does it work?

The doctor injects hyaluronic acid into the sites where there is an imperfection to camouflage it and correct the shape of the nose.


Is it painful?

It is not a particularly painful procedure, but to make it more comfortable, anesthetic ointment is normally applied before the procedure itself.


Is it safe? Is it true that it can cause skin necrosis?

Rinofiller is a safe procedure when done by expert hands. The nose has a very complex anatomy, especially from a vascular point of view and, if unfortunately the filler is injected into an artery, there would be a risk of skin necrosis and even blindness. The experienced operator will perform all the necessary procedures to avoid these complications that are fortunately very rare but very fearsome.


What are the side effects of rinofiller?

Some redness and swelling are common in the first few days after the procedure. Some hematoma may occur.


Does rinofiller work?

Rhinofiller is very effective for correcting some types of imperfections but has limitations related to the fact that it adds material and does not remove, so it is not good for all types of face and nose. It will be the experience of the operator to advise the patient regarding the best procedure.


What precautions should be followed after rhinofiller procedure?

After the rhinofiller classic precautions should be taken, avoiding heat sources, intense physical activity for at least a couple of days and direct sun exposure for a week. It is also not recommended to use glasses for at least 48 hours.


How many sessions are needed?

Depending on the imperfection to be corrected, one or two sessions are usually enough.


How long does the effect of rhinofiller last?

The treatment lasts for an average of 6 to 12 months. Usually the result tends to stabilize over time, making the need for maintenance appointments less frequent.


If you want to have more information, contact our aesthetic medical office in Rome.

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