Cellulitis or edematofibrosclerotic panniculopathy (PEFS) is an alteration of the subcutaneous adipose tissue that originates from microangiopathy. There is a slowing of the flow in the microvessels of the subcutaneous connective tissue, venous stasis, increased capillary permeability and intradipocyte edema, up to the formation of nodules.

Cellulite manifests itself as a blemish on the skin surface of the buttocks, thighs and knees.


What are the causes of cellulite?

Cellulite is linked to a genetic predisposition on which environmental factors insist. Among the triggers:

  • Weight gain
  • Sedentary life
  • Constipation
  • Rich salts diet
  • Estroprogestin therapy
  • Smoke
  • Alcohol abuse


How is cellulite treated?

There is no definitive therapy, cellulite cannot be cured. It is a chronic disease, but you can try to keep it at bay by limiting its evolution and reducing its signs.

Among the possible treatments available: mesotherapy, a method that involves the intradermal injection of drugs to improve the functionality of the microcirculation and carboxytherapy, a method that consists in the intradermal insufflation of carbon dioxide useful to promote greater tissue oxygenation.


When do we talk about false cellulite?

False cellulite is found instead when the imperfection is generated by sagging skin due to sliding of the subcutaneous connective tissue, more often due to an important weight loss that occurred in a short time or to muscle hypotrophy. In these cases, the treatment is based on improving skin tone and elasticity.



If you want to have more information, contact our aesthetic medical office in Rome.

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