





For healthier, brighter, younger skin.

The Dermapen is a device that allows you to perform, on an outpatient basis, an anti-aging mechanical bio-stimulation treatment, to promote skin rejuvenation and correct skin imperfections. The electronic pen makes hundreds of tiny holes on the skin at an electronically controlled depth. At each hole the skin responds with a skin repair and therefore with the production of new collagen. The use of this procedure is indicated to improve the texture of the skin, prevent skin aging, improve acne scars or stretch marks. After the treatment the skin will be reddened for a few hours. After the treatment the skin will be reddened for a few hours.

What are the indications for treatment with Dermapen?

Dermapen is indicated to improve skin texture, prevent skin aging, improve acne scars or stretch marks.
It looks like a kind of “pen”, which has micro needles at the tip, which pierce the skin vertically. This action allows to deeply revitalize the epidermis and to naturally stimulate the cells that produce collagen, thus allowing the rejuvenation of the epidermis of the face and body. In addition, Dermapen allows various substances, such as hyaluronic acid, to be conveyed to the superficial layers of the skin. This function is enhanced by the vibrating action of the Dermapen.

The use of Dermapen in aesthetic medicine allows a quick needling treatment, which does not require anesthesia or hospitalization and which can be performed by a competent doctor on an outpatient basis. In some cases, when the treatment is carried out deeper or on particularly sensitive areas, it is possible to use a local anesthetic to avoid discomfort, but the treatment itself is painless. The procedure, which is performed after an initial visit, lasts approximately 20/30 minutes. We start by thoroughly disinfecting the skin, then we start using the handpiece, on the tip of which there are numerous micro needles, which have the function of penetrating
in the most superficial layer of the dermis, stimulating the natural production of collagen and elastin.
Usually, to obtain satisfactory results, it is advisable to carry out 3 to 5 sessions at a distance of about a month between one session and another. However, the number of sessions varies according to the area treated and the extent of the problem, so it will be the doctor, in agreement with the patient, who decides how many treatments to perform.

All areas of the body can be treated with Dermapen with the exception of some particularly sensitive areas. The advantages of using this technique are many, for example it has no side effects, it stimulates the self-healing ability of our skin and therefore the natural production of collagen, the treatment is not painful and the results can be seen from the first sessions.
Another advantage of using the Dermapen is that it can also intervene in areas that are difficult to reach with the laser, such as the neck area and operate in delicate areas such as the eye contour and lips.

No, this treatment does not present any particular contraindications. There may only be some redness on the treated area immediately after the treatment, but this is completely natural.
Therefore, it is possible to resume daily activities immediately after the treatment. The only precaution is to avoid prolonged and direct exposure to the sun’s rays in the first days following the treatment and protect the skin with specific creams, indicated directly by the specialist who applies the treatment.

The innovation of this treatment is that it exploits the innate ability of our dermis to produce new collagen following “micro traumas”, therefore the introduction of small needles stimulates the reproduction of new cells in the body. The final task of these cells is precisely that of turning into collagen; the latter will join the one already existing in the skin, giving a more considerable thickness and elasticity.
The results are evident from the first session, and after the first sessions, which are generally performed closely together, one session a year will be sufficient to maintain the results achieved.

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