Liquid facelift is a non-surgical aesthetic medicine procedure that aims to rejuvenate facial features, simulating the effects of a surgical facelift.


Liquid facelift: what does it consist of?

To carry out a liquid facelift, mixed methods of aesthetic medicine are used, customized according to the patient, which may include the implantation of dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite, implantation of traction threads, botox injections, chemical peels and biostimulation with and without needles.


How long does the procedure take?

The procedure can be performed in a single session or in several sessions depending on the patient’s needs and the therapeutic program and lasts an average of 45 minutes. The effectiveness of the treatment ranges from 6 to 12 months.


What precautions to take after a liquid facelift?

The attentions to be followed are the same as for the individual procedures performed.


Will there be marks on the face after a liquid facelift?

We normally perform this procedure using microcannulas to minimize post-surgery downtime. It is possible to have some swelling and redness after the procedure and some small hematoma, which usually passes in a few days.


How much does a liquid facelift cost?

There can be no predefined cost for this type of procedure because it is by its nature a treatment that must be tailored to the patient’s face depending on his degree of skin aging.



If you want to have more information, contact our aesthetic medical office in Rome.

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